You will find this to be one of the most detailed best radon gas detector reviews you can find anywhere. Our aim with this review is to provide you with the main benefits of the radon gas detector products that we feature here. We have looked at a number of radon gas detectors and have chosen the best ones for you to consider.
It is important that you have all of the important information before you go ahead and make a purchase. We want you to get the best radon gas detector that meets all of your requirements so we have included the pros and cons of each model. All of the products we have reviewed are available on Amazon which means that you will get the best prices available.
While there are other radon gas detector reviews it is unlikely that you will find one that is more comprehensive than this one. Here we will take a look at the best radon gas detector for home use, the best radon gas detector for professional use, and the best radon gas test kit for home use.
Find our Radon gas detector reviews, comparison charts, and buying guides to help you buy the best radon gas detector for your needs.
Table of Contents
Comparison of Best Radon Gas Detector with Reviews From Amazon in 2025
Accuracy | Ease of Use | Our Reviews | ||
Corentium Home Radon Gas Detector by Airthings | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
RADEX MR107 Advanced Radon Gas Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Radon Eye RD200 Smart Radon Monitor Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Safety Siren Pro Series3 Radon Gas Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Airthings Wave Smart Radon Gas Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Air Ae Steward Portable Radon Gas Monitor | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
AirThings Corentium Professional Digital Radon Gas Monitor | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
AirThings Corentium Plus Professional Digital Radon Gas Monitor | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Sun Nuclear Professional Continuous Radon Gas Monitor 1027 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
AirChek 43237-2 3 to 7 Day Charcoal Radon Gas Test Kit | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Accustar Alpha Track Radon Gas Test Kit AT 100 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
RAdata Home Radon Gas Test Kit | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
PRO-LAB Long-Term Radon Gas Test Kit RL116 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
What is Radon Gas?
You cannot see radon gas nor can you taste it or smell it. Being a radioactive gas it is best to avoid it as much as possible. We have exposure to radiation every day of our lives and radon accounts for 50% of that exposure. With normal levels of radiation, there is no harm to humans. But exposure to radon gas above normal levels can have serious health consequences.
Radon is a natural gas that comes from decaying uranium contained within rocks and soil. The gas is all around us both inside and outdoors. The levels of radon found outdoors are always safe but there can be a health threat from Radon in buildings of all shapes and sizes.
Different parts of the country are more likely to have higher levels of radon gas in their buildings than others. There are other factors too such as the type of land the building sits on, the design of the building and the materials used to construct it, and the habits of the people that use the building. Two buildings side by side can have different levels of radon gas.
The Health Risks of Radon Gas
Radon will cause radioactive dust to enter the air. Any levels of radiation over safe levels pose a health threat. The radioactive dust generated by radon gas may end up trapped in airways, and if this happens then they will emit radiation which includes alpha particles which are particularly dangerous.
Humans that come into contact with this radioactive dust on a regular basis face the possibility of tissue damage and even lung cancer. It is essential that you know if your home or a building you work in represents a high risk to you.
Exposure to harmful radon particles causes thousands of people to die every year. You will find radon and uranium comes from all across the United States and throughout the world. According to the EPA, one in fifteen homes in the United States have high levels of radon.
Radon can enter your home in a number of ways. It can enter through cracks in your walls and floors, through wall cavities, and may even get into your water supply. The bottom line is that radon is a serious health threat to you and your family. You need to conduct a test to see if the amount of radon gas in a building is at a safe level or not.
You will see radon levels expressed in picocuries per liter of air pCi/L. A curie is the level of radiation within a single gram of radium. The amount of decay of radium is around 2.2 trillion disintegrations every minute. A picocurie represents this decay and is a trillionth of a curie.
According to the EPA, anything around or above 4 pCi/L is a hazard to health and you will need to take action to reduce the amount of radon that you are exposed to. Even if the radon levels are lower than 4 pCi/L there is still a risk, but it is often very difficult to reduce the radon levels in a house or other building below 2 pCi/L.
Alternatively, a radon gas detector can measure the levels of radon detected per cubic meter of air. The unit of measurement here is becquerels and you will see this expressed in the form Bq/m3. With this unit of measurement, a radon reading of around 100 Bq/m3 is generally considered safe.
What is a Radon Gas Detector?
A radon gas detector is a device used to measure the amount of radon in the air within a building. There are radon gas detectors for home use and also for professional use. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) together with the Office of the Surgeon General recommends that you test your home for the presence of radon.
Using a radon gas tester is not a one-off exercise. The levels of radon gas in your home or a building that you inhabit frequently can change often. You should use your radon gas detector to test for a minimum period of a week for greater accuracy with your results.
You can conduct a shorter-term test of a couple of days if you need to gather results fast. But we recommend that you follow this up with another test in a few days. If you are prepared to test for longer periods (such as more than 3 months) then you will be able to see the average radon levels for your home or office building.
Types of Radon Gas Detectors
There are a few different types of radon gas detectors that you need to be aware of. We will take a look at the different types here:
1.Long Term Detectors
Radon gas detectors deemed suitable for long term testing provide a broad range of results. You need to use long term radon testers for a minimum of 2 days up to 90 days and beyond. You will get the most concise readings from a long term radon detector.
Long-term radon gas detectors provide you with an average reading over the time that they are being used which a short-term detector will not. This is important because the levels of radon present will vary each day and from one month to the next.
2.Short Term Detectors
You should obtain a short term radon detector if you are looking for immediate results rather than have to wait for weeks as with a long term detector. A short-term detector shows varying results and not an average and the information presented is often different.
3. Alpha Track Detectors
You will see alpha track radon detectors commonly used for radon testing. The reason is that they provide a long term solution to the problem of radon testing. Inside an alpha track detector is a polycarbonate plastic sheet. Air particles collect on the plastic sheets and make very small marks.
After testing with an alpha track detector for a period of time a lab can analyze the polycarbonate sheets. The number of marks left on the sheets will tell the lab what levels of radon gas are present in the home or other building.
4. Charcoal Detector
If you are looking for an inexpensive radon gas detector then a charcoal canister version will provide you with a solution for the short term. Normally charcoal canister radon detectors take between three and seven days to produce a result. A lab can assess the amount of radon present in the charcoal as it absorbs gas in the air.
5. Digital Detectors
You will get consistent and continuous radon test results with a digital radon detector making it a good all-around choice. There is no requirement for you to send anything to a lab for testing as you will see the results straight away. A digital detector can display results over the short term and the long term.
How do Radon Gas Detectors work?
A radon gas detector tests for the presence of radon gas or the products left behind after the radioactive decay of radon. You can choose between two different types of radon detectors which are passive and active.
1.Passive Detectors
A passive radon detector device does not need any electrical power from batteries or mains power. The passive device will trap the radon gas or decayed product so that you can send it off to a lab for radon level analysis.
You will find passive radon detectors in different forms:
- Alpha track
- Charcoal canister
- Charcoal liquid scintillation
- Electret ion
With alpha track devices dangerous alpha particles mark the plastic sheets. A lab will use chemical treatments to make these marks visible and then they are counted t determine the amount of radon present in the air.
Both the charcoal liquid scintillation and charcoal canister devices absorb radon particles in the charcoal. A lab can then test for radon levels by counting the particles using either a sodium iodine counter or a scintillation counter.
Electrets ion detectors have a statically charged Teflon disc. Each time a dangerous radon particle strikes the Teflon disc the amount of electrical charge reduces. A lab measures the reduction in charge and calculates the radon level.
Short term radon testing will normally require charcoal-based radon detectors. You will find the charcoal and alpha test detectors widely available while the electret ion detectors are a specialized purchase. You will see passive detectors often referred to as radon gas test kits.
2.Active Detectors
An active device can be a continuous radon monitor or a continuous working level monitor. These devices need electrical power from the mains or batteries. Basically, an active radon device continually monitors for the presence of radon. They tend to be more expensive than passive devices.
Things to Consider before buying the Best Radon Gas Detector :(Buying Guide)
There are a number of things that you need to take into account before you purchase a radon gas tester. The most important of these is the accuracy of the results that you will receive from the test. Long term testing tends to provide more accurate radon level results than short term testing.
How easy is it to use the radon gas tester? Most of the home testing kits are very simple to use but if you want to go for the continuous active testers then some of these are more complicated to set up than others. If you want to be a professional radon tester then a degree of setup is inevitable.
You need to think about whether a one-off test is acceptable to you or you want to go for the added protection of continuous testing. A continuous radon monitor is certainly going to cost a lot more than a one-off test kit so you need to think long term here.
Although the price is another important issue you need to think about the benefits that radon monitors for home use will bring. Protecting the health of you and your family is far more important than a few dollars so please take this into consideration. It is better to pay for higher quality results and constant monitoring than worry about saving money.
Your Best Buy – Best Radon Gas Detector Reviews: Updated 2025
To list the best radon detectors available in the marketplace or on Amazon, we have primarily concentrated on a few crucial aspects:
- Ease of their installation processes
- Ease of usage
- Their accuracy levels
- And, price bracket
All the mentioned radon detectors for sale value for money investment. You will not end up paying for something that’s undesirable or reprehensible.
Beware: Do not buy from any other websites that directly sell radon detectors or promote illegitimate radon gas test kits and radon detector reviews. Those radon detectors can be 2nd hand, used, and may have invalidated tests. Such hoax websites also bring up additional (hidden) costs that too under unavoidable circumstances.
But, we help you pick out the best radon gas detectors through our expert assistance, genuine advice, and the best radon gas detector reviews. It all ensures the utmost protection. I hope you find the provided information useful and pick a product that’s designed for your particular needs. Because when you do so, you are saving yourself and your love from the dangers of lung cancer, severe skin irritations, and other infections.
All the best radon gas detector reviews are pretty detailed and curated with utmost vigilance, the products conform to preeminent standards, and are self-tested. Plus, it is JANUARY and also NATIONAL RADON ACTION MONTH. So, what better time could it be to explore the best products for sale on Amazon to prevent radon invasion and be worry-free?
Best Radon Gas Detector Reviews for Home Use from Amazon: Upd 2025
Choosing the right radon gas detector to use in your home is vitally important. If you and your family are at risk from radon gas then you need to know about it fast so that you can take the right action to protect everyone.
All of the radon gas detectors for your home that ended up in our review are available on Amazon. This is very important for you because you will be able to get the best deal on your home radon detector and you will be able to see the customer reviews associated with each product.
We take the views of customers who have purchased the products we reviewed very seriously and so should you. Obviously, the price is an important factor, but when you are choosing a radon gas detector for your home you should not just look for the cheapest option. The long term health of you and your family are more important than anything.
So let’s take a look at the best radon gas detector for home use. All six of the models that we reviewed are active devices that constantly monitor the radon levels in your home. We strongly recommend the use of a continuous radon monitor so please pay special attention to the products that appear here.
Accuracy | Ease of Use | Our Reviews | ||
Corentium Home Radon Gas Detector by Airthings | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
RADEX MR107 Advanced Radon Gas Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Radon Eye RD200 Smart Radon Monitor Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Safety Siren Pro Series3 Radon Gas Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Airthings Wave Smart Radon Gas Detector | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Air Ae Steward Portable Radon Gas Monitor | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
1. Corentium Home Radon Gas Detector by Airthings Review : Editor Choice
It wasn’t easy choosing the best radon gas detector for home use, but we strongly believe that the Corentium Home Radon Detector by Airthings is the best product available out of all the radon monitors for sale. This is a very popular active radon detector and it has many positive reviews from the customers who purchased it.
First, we took a look at the accuracy of the Corentium Home Radon Detector by Airthings. We compared the results that this radon gas monitor displayed with a test kit that was sent off to a lab for analysis. The accuracy levels were very good and compared well with the lab results.
The manufacturers claim that this home radon detector has a “measurement uncertainty” factor of lower than 20% when used for a week’s worth of testing and this improves to less than 10% when the device continuously tests for a month.
You will be able to see both the long-term average results as well as the short-term average results clearly on the LED screen. For the short-term results, the number of days is also displayed.
It is really easy to use the Corentium Home Radon Detector by Airthings. The device is a no-nonsense radon gas detector that has only 2 buttons at the back which rarely needs to be used. All you need to do is decide on the location of the device and then turn it on. There are 3 AA-size batteries required for operation and these should last for around two years.
You will find a small keyhole at the back of the device which you can use to mount it on a wall. Otherwise, you can just stand the tester up against an object and it will work tirelessly. With its black and silver color scheme, it will fit in with any kind of decor.
The Corentium Home Radon Detector by Airthings has an impressive 4.5/5 star review rating and the vast majority of the customers loved it.
- The high degree of accuracy.
- The results are instant.
- Very easy to use.
- Long-term and short-term averages.
- Good battery life.
- More expensive than passive detectors.
2. RADEX MR107 Advanced Radon Gas Detector Review
The RADEX MR107 Advanced Radon Gas Detector is a continuous radon gas monitor that is very sensitive and provides accurate results. This is a lightweight radon gas detector weighing in at just over 10 ounces and you can place it anywhere in your home to detect the levels of radon gas.
It is easy to set up this radon gas detector and the device is easy to use as well. You will not have to calibrate this radon detector and the initial settings from the factory should last for a long time. This is a very sturdy tester that can measure radon gas levels in an office building as well as in your home.
The RADEX MR107 Advanced Radon Gas Detector can test radon levels over long periods but it is best if you use it for short-term testing. The rechargeable lithium-ion battery will only last for around 5-6 days and if you want to test for longer periods then you will have to use the USB cable and connect it to your computer so that it changes continuously.
To see the radon test results you will need to connect this radon detector to a Windows PC. The unit has an air temperature and humidity sensor and you can view all the data using the special Windows software that you have to download. The software will show you the minimum, maximum, and average radon gas levels.
If the radon gas levels become excessively high then there is an audible alarm with this radon detector. You can turn the alarm feature off if you want. It has an internal memory that stores the testing information which you can view when you synch with your Windows PC.
- Very accurate.
- Easy to set up and use.
- Good range of statistics using the Windows software.
- You need a Windows PC to view results.
- Short battery life
3. Radon Eye RD200 Smart Radon Gas Monitor Detector Review
The Radon Eye RD200 Smart Radon Monitor Detector is an advanced home radon detector that will send data to your smartphone if you have an Apple iPhone or Android-powered phone. You will use Bluetooth for the data communication between the radon detector and your smartphone.
One of the most impressive things about this radon gas detector is the level of accuracy it achieves. You can get your first set of results from the device after just an hour and the manufacturer claims an accuracy level within 0.5 pCi/L. This is excellent for a digital radon detector.
This is an active radon tester so you will need to provide a power source. There is a 12-volt DC adapter provided as well as an internal battery. The round design of the Radon Eye RD200 Smart Radon Monitor Detector is interesting and you won’t find lots of buttons to play around with.
All you need to do is to locate the radon detector in the best location and then turn it on. There is a small LCD that will tell you the current level of radon. For more detailed information including averages, you will need to use your smartphone. You cannot mount this tester on a wall it has to sit on a surface.
You can move the Radon Eye RD200 Smart Radon Monitor Detector from room to room easily but you will need to place it near to a power socket which may not always be convenient. The data available using your smartphone is impressive and you will be left in no doubt about the radon levels in your home.
- Accuracy is very good.
- Comprehensive data are available on your smartphone.
- Easy to install and use.
- Smartphone integration.
- The price is likely to be high.
- No wall mounting.
4. Safety Siren Pro Series3 Radon Gas Detector Review
If you are looking for a relatively inexpensive continuous digital radon detector then the Safety Siren Pro Series3 Radon Gas Detector is worthy of consideration. This is an accurate device that does not have a lot of fancy features. It will simply display the short-term and long-term radon levels for your home.
Appearances can certainly be deceptive. This radon gas tester is nothing to look at; in fact, you could say that it looks a bit cheap. But this is a solid-performing home radon detector that continuously monitors radon levels and updates its results every 60 minutes. The device also performs a self-test every 24 hours.
You will receive a real-time alert if the radon levels are above the threshold. If you want to mute the built-in alarm then you can do this. There is an LED display and two buttons on the side of the display. By default, the Safety Siren Pro Series3 Radon Gas Detector displays the long-term result but if you press the second button you can see the short-term result.
You will need to mount this radon detector on a wall. It requires a standard electrical outlet for power. The short-term results are an average of the previous week and the long-term results are for the previous month. It is the only radon gas tester/alarm device to be evaluated by the EPA to meet their performance criteria.
The Safety Siren Pro Series3 Radon Gas Detector stores data for five years and if you want to reset the memory to start again you can do this. This is a useful feature if you want to move the radon gas detector to another room in your house to measure the radon levels there. The device comes with a handy user manual.
- Reasonably accurate.
- It is easy to use.
- The user manual is helpful.
- Straightforward installation.
- You will need to recalibrate the device from time to time.
- Some reliability issues were reported.
5. Airthings Wave Smart Radon Gas Detector with free app Review
The Airthings Wave Smart Radon Detector with the free app is another continuous radon detector that will also test for humidity and temperature. You will need two “AA-style batteries to use this radon detector and Airthings claims that the batteries will last up to 18 months with continuous use.
This radon detector has an associated app that you can use with your iPhone or Android-powered smartphone. You connect to the radon detector using Bluetooth and you can view the radon gas levels on a day-by-day basis, every week, every month, and even for a whole year.
There is a color-coding feature with this radon gas detector. If you wave in front of the tester then one of three different colored LEDs will illuminate. The green color means that everything is OK. Yellow means that the radon levels are near the danger threshold and red means that the radon levels have exceeded the threshold.
Setting up the Airthings Wave Smart Radon Detector with the free app is very easy. It is a battery-powered device so there is no requirement for a mains power socket. You can place this radon detector anywhere and then sync it with the mobile app on your phone. A free Airthings account is also required.
This radon gas tester is reasonably accurate but some customers reported that they were not happy with the accuracy. We were not able to duplicate any inaccurate results in our tests so you should be fine here. The radon tester stores data and you can read this and analyze results with the mobile phone app.
If you uninstall the app from your smartphone then there is no data loss because your Airthings Wave Smart Radon Detector with the free app is still associated with your Airthings account. Data would be lost if you were to unpair the tester from your Airthings account.
Bluetooth connectivity will work some distance away. In our tests, we found that even 60 feet away and on other floors of a building we could still connect. If you want to move the tester to another room you can reset it to start testing again from scratch. It is possible to sync more than one Airthings Wave Smart Radon Detector with your useful mobile app.
- Reasonable accuracy.
- Simple to set up and use.
- Battery life is good.
- Mobile app.
- No on-device display.
6. Air Ae Steward Portable Radon Monitor Review
Designed and tested in Europe, the Air Ae Steward Portable Radon Monitor is a small yet powerful radon gas detector that you can place anywhere to record the levels of radon gas in your home. The company claims that many professionals use this digital radon detector because of its accuracy and portability.
With this digital radon detector, you will be able to take readings of radon levels every hour and the device will display daily, weekly, and longer-term averages. There is a lithium battery supplied with the device and on a full charge, this will last for around 30 days. It is very lightweight and easy to use in any room of your home.
The Air Ae Steward Portable Radon Monitor has a very simple and straightforward design. You can locate this radon tester on a flat surface or even hang it on a wall. We found that the accuracy levels of this device were not as good as other continuous radon monitoring products in this review but acceptable.
This radon gas tester uses a cutting-edge alpha spectrometry sensor to provide the best results. You will be able to see the long-term and short-term averages displayed on the LCD screen and the manufacturer has added a “coefficient of injury” feature which will warn you if the radon levels are dangerously high.
- Long-term and short-term averages at a glance.
- Portable and lightweight.
- Easy to use and move from room to room.
- Some inaccuracy concerns.
Best Radon Gas Detector Reviews for Professional Use from Amazon
As more and more people become aware of the dangers of radon gas the demand for testing homes and office buildings will rise significantly. The demand is already pretty high and if you were thinking of going into business as a professional radon detector then now is certainly a good time.
To be a professional tester you will need to use the best radon testing machines. The prices for professional testing range from $150 on the low end to $2500 on the high end so you need the best equipment. You will also need to be trained and certified to conduct radon tests professionally.
So in our quest to find the best radon gas detector for professional use, we took a detailed look at three models for your consideration. These detectors produce very accurate results and they are a lot more expensive than home radon gas testers.
Accuracy | Ease of Use | Our Reviews | ||
AirThings Corentium Pro Digital Radon Gas Monitor | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
AirThings Corentium Plus Digital Radon Gas Monitor | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Sun Nuclear Professional Continuous Radon Gas Monitor 1027 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
7.AirThings Corentium Professional Digital Radon Monitor Review
This is a portable professional electronic radon tester that provides very accurate results. The tester looks good and has a sleek design. There is a tripod supplied which mounts on the bottom of the tester for easy positioning.
This tester is certified by the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) and the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP). The device requires 3 “AA” type batteries and the fact that the tester is portable is a significant benefit. Most professional radon gas detector has to be permanently connected to a mains outlet.
AirThings claims that battery life should be around 18 months which is very convenient. We would recommend that you replace the batteries on an annual basis. This professional tester requires calibration every twelve months to comply with NRPP standards.
The AirThings Corentium Pro Digital Radon Monitor interfaces with both iPhone and Android-powered phones. At the time of writing this review, the reporting functionality with Android devices is somewhat limited but the company has committed to improving this soon. The tester can also be integrated with a PC using a USB cable.
This professional tester will store data for up to five years and refresh every hour. There are sensors in the device for measuring air pressure, humidity, and temperature. It has four radon sensors for excellent reliability and accurate reporting. With the PC interface, you can generate a multitude of reports. This tester is completely tampered-proof.
- Portability.
- Very accurate.
- Multiple reporting options.
- High-quality design.
- Certification from AARST and NRPP.
- Good battery life.
- The price.
- Limited reporting with Android devices.
8.AirThings Corentium Plus Professional Digital Radon Monitor Review
This is another high-quality professional radon gas tester from AirThings. It is another portable tester that is very convenient for radon gas testing in any location. Three “AA” batteries are required to power this professional digital radon detector with a battery life of around 18 months.
The AirThings Corentium Plus Digital Radon Monitor has a number of state-of-the-art radon sensors built-in and the tester will record all of the information required to analyze changes in radon levels. You can interface the tester with your PC and create very detailed reports including customizable graphics. The reporting functionality is almost endless.
This professional radon gas tester has a passive diffusion chamber for a very accurate calculation of radon levels. The LCD screen provides results at a glance displaying both long-term and short-term averages. You can see the results every hour if you need to as well. The tester also comes with temperature, air pressure, tilt, and humidity sensors.
The AirThings Corentium Plus Digital Radon Monitor can store data for up to ten years. The custom CRA software enables you to connect the tester to your PC and download the data stored. You can also download it to a USB memory stick.
All of the data from the tester can be output in CSV format so that you can analyze it easily using a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. This professional radon gas tester is pre-calibrated and there is no requirement for future calibrations but this can be done if you require it.
- Portable professional tester.
- Very accurate radon tester.
- Reasonable price.
- Very good reporting capabilities.
- Pre-calibrated.
- No smartphone integration.
9. Sun Nuclear Professional Continuous Radon Monitor 1027 Review
This professional radon gas tester from Sun Nuclear is very reliable and provides very accurate information on radon levels in buildings. The tester has a large chamber for detecting radon levels and the patented technology sensor provides high sensitivity. This continuous radon tester suppresses measurement noise and is also humidity-independent.
The Sun Nuclear Professional Continuous Radon Monitor 1027 is approved by AARST and MRPP and also has approval from the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB). This professional radon testing equipment can measure up to 90 hours in intervals of one hour. It is very easy to use and all you need to do is plug it into a power outlet.
There is a digital display of the measured radon levels and you can see both the long-term and short-term averages. The tester uses a rolling twelve-hour average for short-term reporting. Power backup is provided by an alkaline 9-volt battery which offers around 20 hours of operation on a full charge.
This professional radon gas tester has a key lock for anti-tampering. There is also a disturbance detector that uses a tilt switch. The tester will accurately measure radon levels from 0.1 pCi/L to 999 pCi/L. The device is lightweight weighing just two pounds.
The Sun Nuclear Professional Continuous Radon Monitor 1027 integrates with a PC or Mac as well as iPhone and Android devices. Sun Nuclear’s OneRADON software allows you to provide customized reports and also generate invoices for radon testing. This professional continuous radon monitor is available at a reasonable price.
- AARST, NRPP, and NRSB approved.
- Accurate radon level reporting.
- Noise suppression.
- Reasonable price.
- Not portable.
Best Radon Gas Test Kit Reviews for Home Use from Amazon: Upd 2024
Here we will take a look at five home test kits that you can use for checking radon levels in your home. These kits are passive and you will need to send them to a certified laboratory for analysis after you have tested the areas of your home for a while. Radon test kits are a lot less expensive than continuous radon monitors.
To find the best radon gas test kit for home use we looked at the accuracy and ease of use with the different kits, the reputation of the companies behind the kits, and the customer reviews. We want you to purchase the very best home radon test kit so that you get accurate radon test results and can take any necessary action to mitigate high levels if this is necessary.
Accuracy | Ease of Use | Our Reviews | ||
First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
AirChek 43237-2 3 to 7 Day Charcoal Radon Gas Test Kit | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
Accustar Alpha Track Radon Gas Test Kit AT 100 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
RAdata Home Radon Gas Test Kit | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
PRO-LAB Long-Term Radon Gas Test Kit RL116 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | VIEW ON AMAZON |
10. First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit Review
We have identified the First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit as the best radon gas test kit for home use. It is a very popular radon test kit supplied by an American company with a very good reputation. The kit is provided in a box and you will find everything that you need to perform a short-term radon gas test.
The materials you need for radon testing come in a sealed pouch. There is a detailed instruction sheet provided as well and the kit is easy to use. There is also a pre-printed envelope for sending your kit to a certified test lab once you have completed your home radon test.
All that you need to do with this kit is to place it in the best location for radon gas testing. You will need to leave the kit exposed to the air in the room for between two and four days for the best results. After sending the kit to the lab for analysis it usually takes around 72 hours for the results to be emailed to you. The First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit is listed under the EPA proficiency program for radon gas testing so you can be confident that the results will be accurate. This kit is recommended for testing radon gas levels in the United States only.
This home gas testing kit is available at a good price and the lab testing fee is also included in the price. The provided instructions are easy to follow and it will not take you long to set up the kit for testing.
- On the EPA Measurement Proficiency list for Radon Gas.
- Good accuracy.
- Good price.
- Reputable company.
- If you want fast results there is an additional charge.
11.AirChek 43237-2 3 to 7 Day Charcoal Radon Gas Test Kit Review
The AirChek 43237-2 3 to 7 Day Charcoal Radon Test Kit is another inexpensive and reliable home test kit for radon. This kit is for short-term testing from between three days and seven days. Everything that you need to test for radon gas in your home is included. The laboratory fees and postage are both included in the price.
AirCheck claims that more than four million of their test kits have been used in homes across the world to detect radon gas levels. Also, their kits have been used in more than 300,000 schoolrooms in the United States as well as in thousands of workplaces. The kit uses granular-activated charcoal technology to absorb the radon gas particles.
The test kit is supplied in a sealed pouch and you will use this to write your name, address, and email address as well as the start date and time. Once you have opened the pouch just make an oval shape at the top and then hang up the opened pouch for the amount of time that you want the test to last for.
When you have completed the test you just reseal the pouch (a seal is provided) and then send it off to the laboratory for analysis. You will be able to view your test results online and receive an email. As an optional extra, you can request a comprehensive report that fully explains all of the results and provides advice on what to do next if anything.
- Accurate results.
- Very easy to use.
- Very good price.
- The test kit is not valid in New Jersey.
12. Accustar Alpha Track Radon Gas Test Kit AT 100 Review
The first thing to say about the Accustar Alpha Track Test Kit AT 100 is that it is a two-pack testing kit. Being an alpha track kit it is suitable for longer-term testing and you can use it to test for radon gas from three months to twelve months. This radon test kit has EPA verification for accurate radon testing.
This radon test kit uses an electrochemical system of radon measurement which is more accurate than the chemical etching system used in most long-term testing kits. It is easy to use this radon test kit. Just remove one or both of the testing devices from the sealed pouch and place them in the best location.
After you have finished testing you can use the supplied pre-addressed envelopes and the included data sheets and send the test devices to the Accustar lab for analysis. Each device has a unique barcode and the large foil area with the testing device leads to more accurate results.
You can use these home radon testing devices both inside your home and outdoors due to the structural filter. The housing of the device conducts electricity which helps to reduce clustering and charge effects. This is the number one rated radon test kit by a prominent national consumer group.
- Two testing devices.
- Very simple to set up and use.
- The kit is verified by the EPA.
- National consumer group number 1 radon testing kit.
- A bit expensive but you do get two test kits.
- Long testing time.
13. RAdata Home Radon Gas Test Kit Review
The RAdata Home Radon Test Kit is another short-term home radon gas testing kit that provides accurate results. The company claims that the RAdata laboratory provides the most precise and accurate test results of any other lab that participated in a study in New England.
It is certainly easy to use this radon gas test kit in your home. All you need to do is to remove the test canister from the packaging and follow the instructions. You can conduct a radon gas test from between two and four days. The canister uses a QA/QC test vial to collect samples of the air where it is located.
There is a prepaid envelope to return the canister to the EPA-approved RAdata lab. You will need to fill out some details before returning the kit including your name and address and an email address for receiving the results. This radon test home kit is more expensive than other kits available but the manufacturers do claim to provide accurate results.
You must follow the detailed instructions with this home radon gas testing kit precisely. Two vials need to be placed next to each other and then left undisturbed for the duration of the test. You cannot place this gas testing kit in a crawlspace.
- Very accurate and precise lab testing.
- Detailed instructions for use are provided.
- No hidden fees.
- The price is high compared to other short-term kits.
14. PRO-LAB Long-Term Radon Gas Test Kit RL116 Review
The PRO-LAB Long-Term Radon Gas Test Kit RL116 is another long-term home testing kit. You can use this home kit to run a radon gas test for anywhere between three months and a whole year. The accuracy of the results is not in question with this kit but the additional $40 for the lab test is difficult to justify.
This kit is easy to use and set up in the desired location. It comes with a return envelope for sending the kit to a lab for testing. All you need to do is remove the testing vial from the sealed packaging and then leave it undisturbed to do its job.
- Very easy to use.
- The results are accurate.
- Quick test results.
- Additional lab testing fee.
- Cannot use in New Jersey.
How to use Radon Gas Detectors
You may need to use more than one radon gas detector in your home or office building to detect harmful radon levels. This is because a single tester may not have the range to detect harmful particles from another part of the building. Once the detector is in place you just need to leave it there to do the job.
If you have a continuous radon sensor or electronic radon sensor then you need to monitor the results you receive regularly. With a passive or test kit you will have to send the device to a laboratory for radon-level testing after a specific amount of time.
How to install Radon Gas Testers/System
It is not difficult to install radon testing equipment. With a home radon detector, it should only take you a few minutes to set up and install. If your radon tester uses batteries then be sure to add new batteries to it. Usually, the manufacturer will specify how long batteries will last in the device. You can use a battery tester to check the remaining charge in the batteries you are using.
If you have a house or are checking a small office building then you will probably require two radon gas testers. It is unlikely that one tester will cover all areas of your home. Because radon emanates from the soil you need to place one of the testers as close to the ground as possible.
If a basement exists in your home then place the radon detector there. In homes without a basement install the testing device as close to the soil as possible. Install the other radon tester in a busy room such as your living room.
Install radon gas detectors where they will not encounter any obstructions. Placing them on an interior wall is often best. Do not install a radon tester near the source of heat or in a place where you know that drafts exist. Both of these situations can lead to false-positive results so do everything that you can to avoid this.
After you have installed your radon gas detector just leave it alone. Don’t be tempted to play around with it after installation. Determine how long you will conduct the test if you are using short-term detectors. Radon monitors for home use continuously check for radon levels so leave them installed for a few days and then check the readings afterward.
There is nothing complicated about the installation of radon testers. You do not require any special skills to do it successfully. The most important thing is to position the testers in the right places so that you will get the most accurate results.
Frequently Asked Questions for Best Radon Gas Detectors: FAQs
Have a question? Find the answer here with our Radon Gas FAQs that specifically cater to the needs of homeowners
Q.1 What is radon gas?
Radon gas is harmful to your health if you are exposed to it at high levels. It is a naturally occurring gas formed by the decay of uranium in the soil and rocks.
Q.2 What are the health risks with radon gas?
Radon gas is the second biggest contributor to lung cancer in the United States after cigarette smoking. Thousands of people die from high levels of radon exposure in their homes and work buildings every year.
Q3. What is the unit of measurement for radon gas?
In the United States, this is picocuries per liter of air pCi/L. Other countries use becquerels per cubic meter of air Bq/m3.
Q4.What is a safe level of radon gas?
Radon levels lower than 4 pCi/L are safe in the United States. 100 Bq/m3 is generally considered safe elsewhere throughout the world.
Q5.What is the difference between an active and passive radon gas detector?
An active radon gas detector requires a power source such as batteries or a mains supply to keep it working. A passive radon gas detector does not need any electrical supply. With passive detectors, you will need a laboratory to analyze the radon levels.
Q6.Is short-term or long-term radon gas testing better?
With long-term radon gas testing, you will get more accurate results. Radon levels tend to change frequently – often daily.
Q7.Is a digital radon detector better than a test kit?
Yes, it is because you have continuous monitoring of your home. It will cost you more money though.
Final Words for Radon Gas Detector
The EPA recommends that you conduct a radon gas test at least every two years because the levels of radon in your home can drastically change. Radon is very dangerous for your health and even without the EPA recommendation we strongly suggest that you check the radon levels in your home to protect your family.
If you can go for a continuous radon monitor then we strongly recommend that you do this. The Corentium Home Radon Detector by Airthings is an excellent choice and is our best radon gas detector for home use. Our best radon gas detector for professional use is the outstanding AirThings Corentium Pro Digital Radon Monitor.
If you want to start off with a home test kit then our best radon gas test kit for home use is the First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit closely followed by the AirChek 43237-2 3 to 7 Day Charcoal Radon Test Kit. These are both short-term testers. If you want a long-term home test kit then go for the Accustar Alpha Track Test Kit AT 100.
We hope that you have found this to be one of the best radon gas detector reviews out there. We aim to provide you with all you need to know about radon gas testers and the best ones available through Amazon. Good luck with your radon gas testing.