Putting Salt in A Humidifier: The Why, When, and How – Things You Must Know!

To your surprise, salt water works wonders for a humidifier. A humidifier adds moisture to a room by emitting water vapor or mist and removing dry air. Since dryness in the air can exacerbate respiratory conditions, using a humidifier can help relieve the symptoms, improve air quality, reduce the amount of static electricity in the air, and can be used all year round (particularly in winter). Saltwater, in this situation, acts as a natural disinfectant and anti-bacterial, leading to many health benefits. But there are correct ways to putting salt in a humidifier.

Is Putting Salt in a Humidifier Safe and Effective? Find Out Here


Read Before You Put Salt In The Humidifier!

If you are looking to humidify your home or office space, it is best to use a humidifier as directed by the manufacturer. It typically involves adding water to the unit’s reservoir and allowing the humidifier to distribute moisture into the air. To maintain your humidifier’s performance and prolong its lifespan, following the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance is important. This typically involves the regular cleaning of the water reservoir, replacing any filters or wicks as needed, and periodically descaling the unit to remove any mineral buildup. However, it is not recommended to put too much salt in a humidifier.

Adding too much salt can corrode the components of the humidifier and cause damage, leading to a shorter lifespan of the unit. Furthermore, it can create potentially harmful air pollutants, as chlorine gas can be released into the air when it reacts with the humidifier’s heating element. But if at all you wish to add salt to a humidifier, there are specific ways to do that. In the paragraphs ahead, we will be explaining just that.

What Does Adding Salt to a Humidifier Do?

A humidifier can do wonders for your health as well as for the efficiency of the appliance. Below are the reasons why we would recommend putting salt in a humidifier (in a controlled quantity):

  • It helps reduce harmful bacteria, excess moisture, and irritants and purifies the air
  • It keeps away the growth of mold and mildew as well as the associated musky odor
  • Reduces the static electricity present in the air (but make sure it does not damage any sockets or plugs of the appliance)
  • Neutralizes pet, cooking, and/or smoking odor in the place where this salty water humidifier may be present
  • Reduces the dust in a room, making the particles heavier to float in the air and settle on the ground controlling allergies and breathing issues
  • Salty mists can alleviate dry skin issues and respiratory problems such as itchiness, inflammation, sinus, etc.
  • Salt can also help remove any mineral deposits formed over time in your humidifier that can otherwise clog its nozzles and filters
  • Salt in the humidifier acts as a therapy that also helps ease the stress and tension in your body, improve your sleeping patterns, and provide a soothing effect overall

What Type of Salt Can You Use in a Humidifier?

Indeed, using just any salt is not recommended in your humidifier. But there are certain products you can use with care to get the expected therapeutic benefits.

The important thing is that you must NEVER USE TABLE SALT in your humidifier. Iodine and anti-caking agents from cooking salt can ruin your unit beyond repair.


These are already known for their relaxing benefits and work wonderfully for your skin, hair, muscles, and breathing. You can easily find them at your nearby grocery store, plus they are affordable so you won’t be drilling a hole in your pocket.

Now Comes The Next Question – How Much Salt & How Often Is Good?

The idea is to use only a small amount of salt to get the potential benefits. Using too much salt can damage the appliance and also cause other health issues.

So, start small, i.e., with a pinch of salt, and eventually move on to a few pinches for stronger vapors. 1/8th tsp. of salt is what you much stop at. Nothing more than that, or you can easily damage your device.

Ensure cleaning old water to avoid the salt from accumulating in the water tank. You would also want to make sure there are no contaminants, so you can use baking soda, vinegar, and distilled water to remove any deposits. In addition, add salt every time you refill the appliance’s water tank or twice daily.

There is no limit to how many times you can add salt to the humidifier. But here again, it is wise to start small and gradually increase the frequency.

Is There A Particular Way To Add Salt To The Humidifier?

There is a specific process, but it is nothing so complicated. Just follow these steps, and you will be good to go. Here is how to get started ….

Turn the device off and make sure it is unplugged to avoid getting a shock when working with water.

Open the water chamber, fill it up with clean water, and add a few pinches of your chosen salt.

If there is any water remaining from previous use, empty all of it before filling fresh water.

You can directly add the salt to the chamber; no need to mix it separately in any container.

Swirl the water so the salt gets evenly distributed in the water tank, and close it up securely.

Plug the device and turn it on to enjoy those salty sprays and mists for your well-being.

The Bottom Line

Yes, putting salt in a humidifier can be risky, and appliance manufacturers do not recommend doing so as it can damage the unit. However, just a little bit of the product sometimes will not be harmful. Plus, now you know how to go about so we hope it helps you get all the benefits you are looking for. Let us know in the comments below what more you would like to see on our blog. We consistently post helpful content so you can make the most of what you have, in this case, relieve any respiratory and skin issues, and use your equipment to its fullest potential. Thanks for making it to the end. Take care.