
How to Reset SoClean after A Filter Change? A Step-by-Step Guide

The cleanliness and optimal functioning of your SoClean device are crucial for effective CPAP equipment sanitation. After replacing the filter in your SoClean, it is essential to reset the device to ensure accurate tracking, calibration, and continued performance. But how to reset SoClean after a filter change? We will guide you through the process of …

How to Reset SoClean after A Filter Change? A Step-by-Step Guide Read More »

Infrared Heater vs. Ceramic Heater: Which One Provides Optimal Heat Efficiency?

When it comes to heating solutions, infrared heaters, and ceramic heaters are two popular choices that do the job and provide a cozy atmosphere. Both types of heaters offer unique advantages and cater to different heating needs, making them worthy contenders for various environments. However, understanding the differences between infrared heaters and ceramic heaters can …

Infrared Heater vs. Ceramic Heater: Which One Provides Optimal Heat Efficiency? Read More »

Putting Salt in A Humidifier: The Why, When, and How – Things You Must Know!

To your surprise, salt water works wonders for a humidifier. A humidifier adds moisture to a room by emitting water vapor or mist and removing dry air. Since dryness in the air can exacerbate respiratory conditions, using a humidifier can help relieve the symptoms, improve air quality, reduce the amount of static electricity in the …

Putting Salt in A Humidifier: The Why, When, and How – Things You Must Know! Read More »